Enoch's Journey

A story of love, hope, and perseverance

Our website tells the story of adopting Enoch, a brave boy with Treacher Collins Syndrome, to raise awareness and inspire adoption. Get real-time updates on Enoch’s progress, and medical reports, and donate to support his care. 

Our beautiful family, united in love

Meet our family

We are a loving family of four – Elijah Toppo, Shruti Krishnan, Hannah, and Enoch. Elijah works as an engineer at Airbus, while Shruti is a dedicated homemaker who takes care of our home and children. Our highest priority is our family, and we are grateful for the time we spend together. Hannah is our lively and curious 4-year-old daughter who loves learning and exploring. And then there’s Enoch, our brave and resilient 1-year-old son who has Treacher Collins Syndrome. Although our journey with Enoch has its challenges, we are committed to giving him all the love and support he needs to thrive. Together, we are a happy family, united in love and hope for the future.

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