Embarking on our Adoption Journey

Shruti and I had always known that we wanted to adopt a child. We had discussed it early on in our relationship and knew that it was something we were both passionate about. However, we had no idea where to start or how to go about it.

It wasn’t until we moved to Bangalore in 2019 that we began to meet other families who had already gone through the adoption process. These families quickly became a source of inspiration and guidance for us as we began our own adoption journey.

One of the first families we met was Pastor George and Pastor Pooja. They had adopted two special needs children and were incredibly open and honest about their experiences. They were also generous with their time and answered all of our questions, no matter how small or trivial.


Another family that played a significant role in our adoption journey was Pastor Luke Ninan. His son Elijah had survived cancer, but the treatment had left him with severe developmental delays. Luke shared with us his own journey and how it had helped him navigate the challenges they faced as a family. We were inspired by Luke’s story and his commitment to his son, and we learned a lot from his experiences.

In addition to these families, we also had the support of other pastors in our community. Pastors Melven and Natasha had been through the adoption process themselves and were able to offer us practical advice and guidance.

Finally, we had the privilege of meeting Mohan and Janice, who had also adopted two special needs children. They shared with us their own adoption journey and helped us to prepare for the road ahead. We were deeply grateful for their guidance and support, and their insights were invaluable in helping us to navigate the complexities of the adoption process.

Of course, it wasn’t just other families that helped us. We also had the support of our Home Study Agency, Shishu Mandir, and the CARA website itself.

CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority) is a statutory body of the Ministry of Women and Child Development in India that facilitates adoption of children within the country. Its primary role is to regulate and monitor the adoption process, ensuring that it is in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. It also works to ensure the best interests of the child, as well as the welfare and rights of all parties involved in the adoption process.

Shanti from Shishu Mandir was assigned to guide us through the adoption process. She was incredibly helpful in explaining the requirements and practicalities of the home study process. She answered all of our questions and made sure we were well-informed before we began.

Raghu was the social worker assigned to conduct our home study report. He visited us at home and asked us a series of questions about our backgrounds, our relationship, and our motivations for adopting. Although the process was thorough, Raghu was always friendly and approachable. He was patient with us when we had doubts or concerns and did an excellent job of guiding us through the process.

Finally, we completed our registration process on the CARA website. The process was long and involved filling out a multi-part form, providing numerous documents, and explaining our reasons for wanting to adopt. While it was a bit overwhelming at times, we found that it was also incredibly helpful to be forced to think through many of the challenges of adoption and to be able to provide the necessary documentation upfront. Once we completed the registration, we received a confirmation email from CARA, which gave us a sense of relief and excitement for what lay ahead.

However, we knew that this was just the beginning of the process. We were now on the waiting list to adopt a child. We understood that the wait could be long and that we would need to be patient and resilient throughout.

Throughout our journey, we felt incredibly grateful for the support of our family, friends, and the adoption community. Without them, we would not have been able to navigate the challenges of the adoption process. They provided us with encouragement, advice, and prayers, and we were humbled by their generosity.

In conclusion, our adoption journey has been a long and challenging road, but we have felt supported every step of the way. From the families who shared their own adoption experiences to the professionals who guided us through the legal and practical aspects of the process, we have felt incredibly grateful for the people who have helped us along the way. We know that there will be more challenges ahead, but we feel ready to face them and look forward to the day when we can welcome a child