Our Story

Enoch's Journey

May 2

From Silence to Sound: Enoch’s Hearing Aid

Introduction In this blog post, I’ll be sharing our heartwarming journey with our adopted son, Enoch, who has Treacher Collins Syndrome. We navigated through numerous medical tests, speech evaluations, and the overwhelming financial challenge of getting a much-needed hearing aid. But, with the support of a caring community, we witnessed..Read More
April 28

Enoch’s CPAP Journey : ORDI to the rescue

Introduction Adopting a child is a beautiful thing. It is the beginning of a new chapter in life that brings joy and new experiences. It is a journey of emotions, love, care, and responsibilities that change life for the better. However, it is not always easy, especially when the child..Read More
April 4

Sleep Study Woes and Hacks

Being a father is a joy that knows no bounds. When my wife, Shruti, and I decided to adopt our son Enoch, we knew that it would be a unique journey. Enoch was diagnosed with Treacher-Collins Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects the development of bones and tissues in..Read More
January 24

Hospital Hopping with Akash

Introduction After our first visit to meet Akash, we knew we had to get a comprehensive medical check-up done for him. We wanted to understand what we were getting into before making a decision. The Daya Kirana adoption agency, with the permission of the DCPO, allowed us to take Akash..Read More
January 16

Love at first sight

Our journey of adopting a special needs child was a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but looking back, we wouldn’t have it any other way. It all started when my wife and I decided to expand our family through adoption. We filled out the CARA form, hoping to adopt a normal..Read More
May 5

Embarking on our Adoption Journey

Shruti and I had always known that we wanted to adopt a child. We had discussed it early on in our relationship and knew that it was something we were both passionate about. However, we had no idea where to start or how to go about it. It wasn’t until..Read More